Two weeks ago I ran in the Tacoma city half marathon. I didn't train for it, nor did I have any intentions of even running in the race but when I found out that it was going to be warm, sunny and clear blue skies on race day, that was a deal breaker for me. I went to the expo and registered at the last minute. The furthest I ran prior to the half was only 7 miles. I figured "ahh, what's another 6 more miles, no biggie!"
I knew I wouldn't be able to set a personal best. My only goal was to go out there, have fun and enjoy the sunshine.
Race Day: The half marathon started at 7 am. It was unusually warm in the Seattle area on that day. I believe it almost got into the 70's by 8 o'clock which is very rare! Race mistake no.1: wearing pants. Omg, it was freaking hot outside. Good
thing I wore a tank top and had my sunglasses, but my legs were on fire.
Mile 1-3 The first few miles I focused on pacing myself because 13.1 miles is a long way and I wanted to finish the race strong.
Mile 4-6 Somewhere between mile four and five I took the sport jelly beans. At mile six all I could think to myself was oh my gosh I'm only half way done?!?!
Mile 7-9 These were the toughest miles. There was little to no shade. The sun was pounding down on us. When your not use to those elements, it can make for a very bad run. When I got to mile seven, I had no energy at all. Dehydration started to set it. I switched from running to walking a few times. I also stopped for a 5 min potty break. :/ Hey, when you got to go, you GOT to GO!
Mile 10-13 Finally, a burst of energy came to me! All of sudden I was running again, and fast. Well fast for me anyway. I managed to throw in some sprint intevals at mile 12. Towards the end of the race, my new favorite song started playing on my ipod, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, I was in the zone! It was a glorious moment. I love running to that song.
I didn't set a PR, my time was a little dissapointing, but being able to finish another half marathon, I was pretty damn proud of myself.
Time: 2:11:43
Division F 25-29: 65/114
Placement Overall: 515/1,049