Going to the gym the between the hours of 4-6PM is always is a bad idea, all the guys go right after they get off work. Busy hours at my gym are early in the morning; while everyone's PT'ing, lunch time (guys go during their lunch), and after work. Yesterday all the benches were taken and all the weight machines were being used, so I grabbed a few dumb bells and barbels and headed to the corner of the gym by myself. The gym was crowded more than it looks in this picture. I was only girl in the weight room. Sometimes I felt like everyone was starring at me. Didn't help that I was wearing a bright pink t-shirt. LOL
Yesterdays Workout 5/8/2012
* Seated Cable Row 12 Reps 4 Sets
* Assisted Pullups 12 Reps 4 Sets
* Upright Rows (Barbell)12 Reps 4 Sets
* Lat Pulldowns 12 Reps 4 Sets Hold last set
* Zottoman Curls 12 Reps 4 Sets
* Hammer Curls 12 Reps 4 Sets
* Bicep Curls 12 Reps 4 Sets
* Isolate Curls 8 Reps 4 Sets
4.35 Mile Interval Run
Warm Up 5 min
40 Second Sprints x 15
20 Second Walk between sprints
2 Min Recovery
Repeat cycle
Finish with a 13 Min Run at a 8 min mile pace.
I swear my grandpa had shoes that look like this, without the pink Nike logo of course.
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