Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm Lisa a mom to two girls and a wife to a US Navy Submariner. I have a passion for running, nutrition and all things fitness. For me running or training hard at the gym equals 24 hours of complete joy in a day. If this blog inspires and helps motivate you, then I hope you continue reading.

My Blog List

19 March 2013

Nutrition - Meal Prep Mondays

When I was younger I was able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Once I hit my twenties, that was no longer the case. A lot of people think I am naturally small and assume I was born this way - screw that, I work my ass off at the gym and I eat HEALTHY(for the most part)! Nutrition is just as important as the workouts.

18 March 2013

Motivation Monday

If you look at all the pictures below you can see I have been busting my ass off at the gym. I'm at a stand still with my progress because my clean eating ways haven't been soo clean these days. I will start meal prepping again. It's the best way to keep me from eating what ever is in sight and it will eliminate all the EXCUSES! 

01 March 2013

HIIT & 6 Pack fitness bag

It's time to start bumping up the intensity in my workouts. I will be welcoming HIIT back into my life on a regular basis (3 times a week). My last HIIT session I did on the treadmill. 3 min warm up, then 1 min @ 9.3, 30 second rest, repeat sprint-rest for a total of 20 min. Great workout, the less breaks the better. I read somewhere that if you can last longer then 20 min during a true HITT workout, then you need to bump up your intensity so that you can not last longer then 20 min. HIIT is a great way to lean your legs.

My friend trotted along with me to run some errands. Fail to plan, plan to fail. No junk food for this chick.