Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm Lisa a mom to two girls and a wife to a US Navy Submariner. I have a passion for running, nutrition and all things fitness. For me running or training hard at the gym equals 24 hours of complete joy in a day. If this blog inspires and helps motivate you, then I hope you continue reading.

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01 November 2011

To Do Lists.



Marissa's Crossfit group. They were able to wear their Halloween costumes to the WOD(Workout Of The Day, for you non-crossfitters).

Happy November everyone! A new month presents a clean slate. My goals have been set and I am excited for a new fresh full month full of possibilities! The first of the month always feels like New Years Day, time to strategize, get focused, and back on track! Fitness is a LIFESTYLE that is consistent day in and day out - not something that is thrown off to the side when the going gets tough! Before you make an excuse of why you can't - STOP and remember those who SUCCEED to find a way so that they CAN! Be strong, stay consistent, push through the bad times and you will emerge stronger and better than ever!

How many of you make To Do lists? Or plan your workouts before you head to the gym? I use to never plan ahead, I'd wonder around the gym wondering what machine I would use next. That obviously isn't the best strategy and is just wasted time in the gym. To eliminate my days being wasted now, I live by my To Do list! Even if I don't have a workout planned for the day I still make a list. Being a stay at home mom, it can be easy to sit on the couch and watch TV all day or spend countless hours surfing the internet.

Set your day up for success. Write out your To Do list and stick to it. Focus = Forward Progress. Keep your list close and refer to it often. My To Do list is one of the things that motivates me to stay focused and productive. Having a to do list is essential because knowing exactly what needs to be done and when, keeps me accountable to myself and the people around me.




  1. to-do lists are definitely key for me....i dont always make them but when i do i seem more focused rather than aimlessly wandering through my work! great tip!

  2. I'm such a fan of lists! For workouts, training cycle, cleaning, packing - anything and everything!

  3. Organizing and scheduling our works are very important & useful in having a good life.
