Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm Lisa a mom to two girls and a wife to a US Navy Submariner. I have a passion for running, nutrition and all things fitness. For me running or training hard at the gym equals 24 hours of complete joy in a day. If this blog inspires and helps motivate you, then I hope you continue reading.

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16 April 2012

Today's Workout 4/16/2012

6 Mile Run

I couldn't wait to run today. The idea of it sounded nice. Once I got out there I wasn't feeling it. I walked a bit, not because I was tired but simply because I didn't feel like running. When I did run I felt good. I didn't take any aspirin and my knee held up pretty well. There were times when I was able run at a 8 min mile pace but I would slow down because I don't want to over due it. Big Sur is a little less than two weeks away, I need to be smart about my training from now till marathon day.  Normally the trail I run on is pretty desolate but today there were some Marines in my way (yeah, that's right, in MY way! lol) and then there were Navy personnel out running.

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