Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm Lisa a mom to two girls and a wife to a US Navy Submariner. I have a passion for running, nutrition and all things fitness. For me running or training hard at the gym equals 24 hours of complete joy in a day. If this blog inspires and helps motivate you, then I hope you continue reading.

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16 October 2012

Pumpkin Tea Plus a Good Read, Run!

Pumpkin everything is at Trader Joes. Pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin pancake mix, pumpkin bread mix, pumpkin tea, pumpkin chai latte, even pumpkin ICE CREAM! Pumpkins are everywhere :)  I was eyeballing the chai latte but the sugar content is a little high so I opted for the pumpkin tea. I like it, I'll have to stock up before they stop selling it.

Back in April I ran the Big Sur marathon and I was lucky to meet Dean Karnazes at the expo. I bought his book Run which he autographed for me :) I've never read any of his books before I met Dean but I was well aware who he is; Mr. Ultra Marathon man! (In case you didn't know) Fast forward to now, I am finally reading the book Run that I bought at the expo. It's filled with 26.2 short running stories of Deans. I'm a little inspired by this book. It almost makes me wanna run in an ultra marathon. HAHAHA yeah right. I can barely finish a marathon, I can't imagine running in an ultra marathon. This book is a good read. I love reading books about running.

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