Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm Lisa a mom to two girls and a wife to a US Navy Submariner. I have a passion for running, nutrition and all things fitness. For me running or training hard at the gym equals 24 hours of complete joy in a day. If this blog inspires and helps motivate you, then I hope you continue reading.

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16 September 2012


Another 6 miler in the books!! I'm ecstatic the weekend is over. It is time to get back into a routine and back to eating clean. I've been eating semi clean the past week but I want to get stricter with it and lift some damn weights. Running is great and all but running doesn't shape and form my body like strength training does. 

1 comment:

  1. I am finally getting back to eying clean again. It's been kind of hard the past two weeks. And so agree about the weights. Actually weight training has helped me with my run and getting stronger.
