Where to start?
I had the day before race day all planned out. I would stretch, foam roll, get all my gear ready, kids clothes laid out, pack snacks and be in bed by 9. Well all didn't happen as planned. I didn't stretch or foam roll. I didn't get anything ready till last minute. I finally fell asleep around 10-11pm. My alarm went off at 3:45, I slept right through it and didn't wake up until 4:36am. We were suppose to be on the road by 5 and parked by 6 and ready to run for the 7 am start at the Seattle Center. We didn't get to Seattle until 6:30 and we missed the prepaid parking that I paid $20 for (they closed that parking lot at 6), but my husband was lucky to find parking near the start line for only $5 (there went $20 out the window).
Via RockNRoll Seattle FB Page |
Once I said my goodbyes to the family, I had to use the restroom BAD! I waited in line for the porta pooties but the line wasn't moving fast enough. I decided to hold it until I saw a restroom along the course. As I made my way toward my corral I stopped for the National Anthem and put my hand over my heart.
Mean while others were walking around and being loud. Come on people have some respect for our Nations flag. Sorry, just a little pet peeve of mine.
There were roughly 20,000 runners. It took me about 15 minutes to get to the start line (not too bad). I saw Frank Shorter on the stage next to the start line. Frank Shorter! Damn I should of taken his picture.
Race recap-
My legs were cramped and tight the entire race.
Immediately as I started running I could feel some pain on my shin. I knew from the beginning this would not be a good race. I started out super slow because I really needed to use the restroom. There was a point when I didn't think I would make it and I'd have to pop a squat somewhere. Luckily 1.5 miles in I spotted the 1st set of porta potties. Thank goodness. I literally was going to pee all over myself.
After using the restroom I tried to pick up the pace and make up for lost time but my legs would not move any faster.
I finished the half marathon in 2:12:59. Not a PR or the time I was hoping for. I'm a little disappointed. If I would known I wasn't going to set a PR I would of at least stopped to take pictures along the way.
I love big races. There's something about running in large crowds that makes me smile. Running through downtown Seattle and seeing the streets filled with runners is an amazing sight to see.
There were local bands through out the entire course. That was a great "pick me up".
At the half way point they had this huge blowup thing over the street. Which put a smile on my face. So awesome.
Via RockNRoll Seattle FB Page |
Via RockNRoll Seattle FB Page |
Wear Blue mile. If this mile didn't give you goose bumps or a sense of pride, I'm not sure you're American!
It first starts off with a memorial along side the road with pictures of military members who lost their lives while serving our country. There was a very quiet eerie feeling running past the pictures. Then after the pictures, the Wear Blue volunteers were holding full sized American flags. As I ran through this mile, many volunteers shouted out to me "go navy" (I wore my Navy tank top). I got a boost of energy during this mile. Thank you Wear Blue!
On the course we ran through a few tunnels. The tunnels seemed to go on for days.
Running on the highway overlooking the city was most breath taking sight on the course. I knew I should have taken a picture! Truly breath taking. Going over viaduct is always amazing sight as well.
If I am still in WA next year, I definitely plan on running in this race again.